
La Constancia Dormida (La Constancia asleep)


Príamo Lozada


La Constancia Dormida ( La constancia Asleep) consisted of a temporary occupation of the “La Constancia” factory (the second largest textile factory in Latin America at that time, already abandoned). Taking as a starting point work as an antidote to abandonment, this project consisted of living and working for a month in one of the factory spaces, with the intention of waking up this sleeping factory from lethargy.
During the period in which Tania Candiani inhabited this space, 400 meters of texts were embroidered and 30 dresses were designed that worked as an illustration for a story. Once this time had passed, the artist left the workshop, leaving the finished work and the sound of the cooking machine in a continuous cycle.
This temporary occupation was the starting point for other reflections by Tania Candiani on work, the disappearance of trades and the obsolescence of machinery.
La Constancia Dormida
La Constancia Dormida (La Constancia Asleep), 2006, Puebla, México
La Constancia Asleep
La Constancia Dormida (La Constancia Asleep), 2006, Puebla, México