


Cherner is a project that began in 2013 and culminated in 2017, whose series of works play with the functionality of the patterns and explores the individual elements and their combinations, using the forms not as possible objects, but as empty spaces, pictorial languages ​​, or dissections of bodies.

Norman Cherner is a mid-twentieth century designer who dedicated his life to the exploration of multidisciplinary design, from furniture and lighting to toys. He was a pioneer in low-cost prefabricated housing, and in the pattern system for self-construction. Cherner worked all his life to make affordable designs a reality.

His “Do it yourself” books are timeless devices to instruct and inspire, presented primarily as a series of instructions that can be molded and modified to suit different tastes and abilities.

This project has connections with other works of the artist where the manuals “Do it yourself” are the starting point for a reflection on manual labor as opposed to serial production.