
Banquete en escultura pública


Banquete en escultura pública (Banquet in public sculpture), is a series of works created collectively during a period of residence at PAOS in Guadalajara, Mexico.

During the residency, the artist generated a workshop were, along with the participants, produced a series of 10 sculptures/masks inspired in the characters of the mural “La Buena Vida” by José Clemente Orozco.

On the other hand, there was a photographic session of the masks located in the sculpture “La Gran Puerta” by González Gortázar, to replicate the architectural references represented in the mural of Orozco. Also, a sound piece for trumpets about Orozco’s painting “The Festival of Instruments” was created.

The closing of the residence culminated in an exhibition of an installation formed by the set of masks, the series of photographs, where the sound piece for trumpets was performed live.