
Ars Combinatoria


Ars Combinatoria is a piece formed by a classification of images in seven thematic groups, linked to the work carried out in the seven modules in which the pedagogical program “Atlas” was divided.

This program, conceptualized and coordinated by the artist, together with Jessica Berlanga, for the cycle of formative activities of the Fundación Alumnos47, was organized in seven modules: Materialization of thought: registers and trades; Cartographies, routes and maps; Atlas; Travel, literature and time capsules; Observation; Drawing tools, perspective instruments and body approximations to drawing; Sound and silence.

The work consisted in carrying out iconographic searches to form a file of images. From that file, seven sets of images were selected to be organized using the “interval iconology” method devised by the German historian Aby Warburg in the late 1920s, a technique that the author called “a machine for thinking images.”

Organized according to this method, this piece provokes unexpected visual-conceptual interpretations in the intervals, between pauses, new meanings appear labyrinthic associations, an extensive and intense matrix of meanings that are generated and recombined with each reading given by the spectator.