
Wooden Trumpets

Technical data sheet

Wooden Trumpets, 2014. Whiskey barrels, copper, horns, amplifier and soundtrack


Andy Fairgrieve/Javier Calderón


Glenfiddich Artists in Residence program. U.K.


During a three months residency period in Scotland, I worked with the Scottish cabinetmaker Alan Marrison, retired after forty years and still producing in the workshop in his backyard. Drawing from the reinterpretation of a pattern found in a page of DIY builders, we work together in the construction of a series of wooden trumpets, each one made in different shapes and therefore with variations in its acoustics.
The exploration of the formal and the material, and its immediate translation to sound, renewed the way Mr. Morrison had understood and carried out his profession.
Inside the wooden trumpets there was speakers which reproduced an audio track recorded from the reverberation of the sound of water falling in a natural spring.
The videos works which are part of the installation are individual recordings of the same songs. Each of the instruments and interpreters were recorded in different locations thus becoming a simultaneous song from the landscape.

Wooden Trumpets, 2014. Whiskey barrels, copper, horns, amplifier and soundtrack
Wooden Trumpets, 2014. Whiskey barrels, copper, horns, amplifier and soundtrack
Wooden Trumpets, 2014. Whiskey barrels, copper, horns, amplifier and soundtrack
Wooden Trumpets, 2014. Whiskey barrels, copper, horns, amplifier and soundtrack
Wooden Trumpets, 2014. Whiskey barrels, Alan Morrison in his workshop
Wooden Trumpets, 2014. Whiskey barrels, Alan Morrison in his workshop
Wooden Trumpets, 2014. Research process