Nombrar el gua

Los Nombres del Agua


Sofía Lanusse


This piece forms part of Candiani’s explorations of water. Connected to “Nombrar el Agua” piece, in this installation the artist creates a visual representation (the sound wave) in carved stone and in other iteration on clay, of the sound of words for bodies of water in different Indigenous languages.

The porosity and resistance of the material speak to solidity and preservation and contrast with the ephemerality of sound and the fluidity of water as an element. This installation emphasizes coexistence with nature and the preservation of bodies of water, alluding to the destruction of the environment by extractivist activities.

This piece is based on a legend of a community in the Huasteca mountains that once a year spends the night naming all the things that exist so that at dawn they continue to exist. Name as an act of resistance.